Cracked Open with Bec Mylonas
Welcome to the “Cracked Open” Podcast - a series on becoming a vessel for unconditional love. In this series, join your host Bec - high priestess, multi dimensional channel, energetic alchemist and activator - as she shares reflections, insights and channeled activations from her journey of walking the initiation path. Each episode is an invitation to open into divine love and embody more of your soul frequency - covering topics such as divine femininity, healing, spiritual awakening, ascension, soul purpose, sacred union, co-creation, conscious relating, self love, activating your gifts, sacred sexuality, and everything in between supporting you in embodying your path as a visionary leader and a vessel for divine love. Bec’s soul mission and deepest honour is initiating, awakening and activating others into their soul expression, gifts & mission. She facilitates powerful multi dimensional activations and transmissions to crack open your heart, and re-connect you to your deepest, most divine soul essence. Inviting more love, fulfilment, pleasure & magic into your life.
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Episode 41 - Soul tribe assemble! Energy update, co-creation, union, claiming your seat at the table and being a woman in a man’s world
This episode is a read on the collective energies at the time of the Lionsgate portal and moving forward past this portal, what it means for our collective.
I talk about the importance of tribes coming together, collaboration, co-creation and how we’re all being called to work together and share our magic - to BUILD the New Earth.
There’s some powerful messages for the divine feminine and masculine about the importance of healing our wounds of separation, for any feminine who feels she doesn’t belong in the “boys club”, or that “there’s no evolved men”.
I explore the different skills, traits, mastery and abilities that the feminine and the masculine have, and how we can work together to compliment each other, bringing our unique gifts and magic to each other, to co create in union.
I talk about claiming that ‘seat at the table’ energy, releasing the need to pedestal others due to their achievements, or fearing judgement and rejection.
If you want to know what’s coming and what to work through to ride the wave of this positive upswing, listen to this episode!
To get your hands on the Soul Mission Accelerator and all the juicy activations that are part of this offering, head to and use the code “CRACKEDOPEN” for $44 off the bundle (pay in full only)
If you’ve resonated with the messages shared in this episode or want to know more about the work that I do, follow me on IG @becmylonas or head to where you can access some potent free activations, masterclasses and healings and check out other podcasts I’ve co-created with.
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Episode 40 - Life between lives, Lionsgate & the challenges of being a starseed w/ Rachel Horton White
In this episode, I’m joined by Rachel Horton White clinical hypnotherapist, mindfulness teacher and intuitive guide who has helped transform the lives of clients worldwide in this massive planetary shift in consciousness.
We dive deep into ‘life between life’ regressions; what happens to the soul when it leaves the body, between incarnations and the process of forming a new soul contract for its next incarnation.
We talk about galactic energy and what it means to be a starseed, along with some of the challenges that come with this territory.
We also riff on lionsgate and what we feel this years portal is bringing the collective.
To get in touch with Rachel or follow the powerful work she’s doing, check out @soulfulworkconsulting or head to
To get your hands on the Soul Mission Accelerator and all the juicy activations that are part of this offering, head to and use the code “CRACKEDOPEN” for $44 off the bundle (pay in full only)
If you’ve resonated with the messages shared in this episode or want to know more about the work that I do, follow me on IG @becmylonas or head to where you can access some potent free activations, masterclasses and healings and check out other podcasts I’ve co-created with.
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Episode 39 - Your soul-biz is the biggest initiation you’ll ever go through - the most common challenges soulpreneurs face
This episode is for anyone desiring to expand their spiritual business and anchor their soul mission in a tangible, physical way.
I talk about the process to create a soul business that is aligned with our soul purpose/mission and the most common challenges I see soul-work practitioners face.
We get into why self belief is such a big sore point for metaphysical practitioners, trusting your intuition, your channel and your gifts and your vision for the mission ahead of you.
To book a soul mission reading head to:
To get your hands on the Soul Mission Accelerator and all the juicy activations that are part of this offering, head to and use the code “CRACKEDOPEN” for $44 off the bundle (pay in full only)
If you’ve resonated with the messages shared in this episode or want to know more about the work that I do, follow me on IG @becmylonas or head to where you can access some potent free activations, masterclasses and healings and check out other podcasts I’ve co-created with.
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Episode 38 - Hold yourself to the soul fire - what it takes to live ‘close to the bone’ in alignment with our highest potential w/ Sabrina Lynn
In this co-creation with Sabrina Lynn - the founder of Rewilding for Women, a dear soul sister, mentor and former employer - we talk all things living in alignment with your soul’s highest destiny and potential.
We talk about what it takes to constantly hold ourselves to the soul fire - to our highest truths, potential and purpose in this lifetime.
We talk about the journey of stripping back and ‘unbecoming’ for our greatest unfolding along the path of mysteries, awakening and feminine reclamation.
We touch on common pitfalls and booby traps to look out for on the awakening path, and how to avoid the sneaky ways “little self” keeps us from avoiding stepping into our highest destiny.
We also touch on balancing our feminine-masculine energetics, Dragon energy and becoming the alchemists of our own lives.
To get in touch with Sabrina or follow the powerful work she’s doing, check out @rewildingforwomen or @sabrinalynn_rewilding on IG, or head to or
To get your hands on the Soul Mission Accelerator and all the juicy activations that are part of this offering, head to and use the code “CRACKEDOPEN” for $44 off the bundle (pay in full only)
If you’ve resonated with the messages shared in this episode or want to know more about the work that I do, follow me on IG @becmylonas or head to where you can access some potent free activations, masterclasses and healings and check out other podcasts I’ve co-created with.
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Self love isn’t just a buzzword… how to ACTUALLY practice self love
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Episode 37 - Self love isn’t just a buzzword… how to ACTUALLY practice self love
In this episode I talk about what true self love is, what it isn’t, and some practical tips, tools and things you can do to ACTUALLY practice self love.
I touch on how relationships can be our biggest gifts for healing, how to cultivate more intimacy in relating and learning to see, love and accept your triggers that arise in the process of opening your heart to being and experiencing more love.
To get your hands on the Soul Mission Accelerator and all the juicy activations that are part of this offering, head to and use the code “CRACKEDOPEN” for $44 off the bundle (pay in full only)
To get the free self love mastery activation and psychic surgery head to
If you’ve resonated with the messages shared in this episode or want to know more about the work that I do, follow me on IG @becmylonas or head to where you can access some potent free activations, masterclasses and healings and check out other podcasts I’ve co-created with.
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Episode 36 - Reverse Engineering “Becoming Love” - Transcend your wounds and create what you desire w/ Lion Galban
In this episode I’m joined by Lion Galban - relationship and embodiment coach and spiritual teacher with over 25 years of experience helping others to evolve and transcend their limitations.
This beautiful and potent conversation is an exploration into the process of reverse engineering the idea of “becoming love”.
We dive deep on emotional intelligence, transcending our wounds and patterns in connection, returning back to and guiding ourselves through love.
We explore playing in the extremes of polarity - the dark feminine & dark masculine - and where we can get stuck playing out lower versions of these archetypes.
Lion shares meaningful insights into creating action that specifically moves us towards our desires, the power of our words and manipulating the frequency we are emitting from our torus field to attract a different reality to us.
This is an amazing episode to guide those wanting to create experiences of deeper intimacy and learn how to ‘hack’ the process to manifesting our desires.
To get in touch with Lion and learn more about the work that he does, you can find him on IG @liongalban or head to his website
If you’ve resonated with the messages shared in this episode or want to know more about the work that I do, follow me on IG @becmylonas or head to where you can access some potent free activations, masterclasses and healings and check out other podcasts I’ve co-created with.
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Episode 35 - Paving the way to the New Earth - ETs, The Great Awakening & Looking to Our Future w/ Graham Dunlop + Darren Grimes
In this episode I’m joined by Graham Dunlop and Darren Grimes of the infamous “Grimerica Show”, to discuss all things New Earth.
We talk about expanding our consciousness through plant medicine, connecting with ETs, our galactic origins and the galactic wars, making contact with galactic races and trusting the contact we’re making.
We riff on the big paradigm shift into the Age of Aquarius or “awakening”, exploring the crumbling phase we’re currently in and riffing on what the future timelines could possibly look like.
We discuss democracy and falling empires throughout history and what a new democracy or system would look like moving forward into the future.
Join us for this mind-expanding, light-hearted conversation about the state of the world, and where we’re possibly headed.
To get in touch with the Grimerica boys about their upcoming trips, or listen to their podcast head to or or find them on IG @grimerica
If you’ve resonated with the messages shared in this episode or want to know more about the work that I do, follow me on IG @becmylonas or head to where you can access some potent free activations, masterclasses and healings and check out other podcasts I’ve co-created with.
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Episode 34 - Post-Solstice Energy Update + Activate Your Inner Lover & Become Magnetic To Your Desires
In this BONUS episode drop, I’m going to give you the low down of what the energy has been doing since the Solstice last week and how to work with the current energy - which *spoiler alert* feels very feminine!
In this episode there’s a transmission of divine feminine ‘lover’ energy to help you tap into your natural magnetism and manifest your desires through your state of BEING. I dive deep into the feminine ‘lover’ archetype, why this energy is so present at the moment, and how to begin to tap into and embody it through your daily life.
I talk about how to tap into the energy of fantasy and feminine yearning to become a super attractor - and to release guilt and shame around being in this energy.
I touch on when “boundaries” and “standards” become brick walls to intimacy and connection, and how to honour what is the true yearning of your heart in the moment instead of rigidly sticking to an old truth, way of being, or desire.
If you’re looking for more FREE resources around divine feminine energy and embodying the inner lover, check out the “freebies” section on my website at The "You Are Divine" self love mastery workshop, and Divine Feminine Cleansing are both great resources to deepen into and heal your feminine energy.
If you’ve resonated with the messages shared in this episode or want to know more about the work that I do, follow me on IG @becmylonas or head to where you can access some potent free activations, masterclasses and healings and check out other podcasts I’ve co-created with.
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Episode 33 - Rise out of victimhood: Transcend old wounds, heal the witch wound and unleash your feminine power w/ Loren Cellentani
In this episode, I’m joined by Loren Cellentani - host of Witchy Wellness radio - for a beautiful dialogue around the healing journey, covering everything from the relationship with your body and your emotions, to the initiations that come through conscious relating.
We talk about learning to listen to your body and your emotions, and how they are working for us not against us in our healing process - to move out of victimhood and into empowerment.
We talk about how to deal with old wounds surfacing and move through a dark night of the soul with grace and self compassion.
We talk about the witch wound, and the wounding many of us carry around stepping into our power and reclaiming our voice and gifts as the feminine - along with learning how to trust the masculine again.
If you would like to get in touch with Loren or find out more about the work that she does, you can find her on IG @lorencellentani on YouTube at:
If you’ve resonated with the messages shared in this episode or want to know more about the work that I do, follow me on IG @becmylonas or head to where you can access some potent free activations, masterclasses and healings and check out other podcasts I’ve co-created with.
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Episode 32: Stop projecting onto God - healing a codependent, conditional relationship with the Universe
This empowering episode is about healing the conditional or codependent relationship some of us have with the Universe/God, and how we tend to project our conditioning onto our relationship with the Creator.
I talk about what happens when we’re still running ‘good girl/boy’ programming, or believing we’re only worthy of receiving when we’re showing up or behaving in a certain way.
I talk about the unnecessary pressure many of us place on ourselves to “fulfil our mission” and how we perceive ourselves as failing when we’re not ticking all the boxes or ‘further along’ than we thought we ‘should be’ by now.
I lead you to recognise that as a conscious co-creator, you are only seeing reflected back to you what you are creating from within - and that God is within all of us, not outside of us - to help you come back to complete self responsibility, sovereignty and empowerment.
To book a soul blueprint mission reading head to:
If you’ve resonated with the messages shared in this episode or want to know more about the work that I do, follow me on IG @becmylonas or head to where you can access some potent free activations, masterclasses and healings and check out other podcasts I’ve co-created with.
If you’ve resonated with the messages shared in this episode or want to know more about the work that I do, head to where you can access some potent free activations, masterclasses and healings and check out other podcasts I’ve co-created with.
Follow more of my free content or drop me a line if you want to get on touch over on Instagram
Don’t forget to like, subscribe, comment & share - your support to get these messages out to those who need to hear them means the world to me!